Tuesday 29 December 2015

News in levels

The website I want to share with you is called: News in levels (www.newsinlevels.com). 
It is for everyone that wants to learn English as a second language. I have just started teaching the subject English, my major subject is textile craft. When I was presented with this task I asked my sister, who has been teaching for many years, if she had a website to recommend. She suggested this one and I understand why. She explained to me that her experiences of using it was that it catches the interest of almost every student, on all levels.
The website is full of interesting News stories and film clips but also other topics from all around the world. You can choose from topics such as: News, Sport, Nature, History, Interesting, Funny, Information and Exercises. New film clips and stories are displayed on the website every day.It is truly something for everyone!
This is how it works. The website is organized so you can read and listen to different news stories and other topics from all around the world in 3 different levels of difficulty. Level 1 is basic English, level 2 intermediate English and level 3 is advanced English spoken with a native tongue. The original story is always displayed at the level 3 page.

This is the home page where you select your level.

  This page shows level 1written and recorded text,(you press the play button).

   This page is level 3 and shows the written text, recorded text and full News story.
 To be able to use the website for teaching you will need a computer or an Ipad and access to the internet. If you want to use it as a class activity you will need a projector or an interactive whiteboard as well, to display the site in large scale.
 If the pupils work in smaller groups with learning, 1-3 students is appropriate with each computer or Ipad, so everyone can be involved with the task. Something to think about is the volume, the student need to be seated in different study rooms or wear headsets so they don´t disturb each other when listening.
As a class activity you might start with a News program in level 1, where you can read the text, listen to it and go through new words together. After that you move on to level 2 reading the same story on a more advanced level, looking at the differences and going through new words. You do the same at level 3 and then you look at the original film clip together.
This could be a good exercise to get familiar with differences in text according to knowledge requirements of the syllabus in LGR11.
The texts within each level use the same words that is repeated in different ways, that way you will get a deep understanding of the words. With each level the pupils will learn approximately 3000 new words. To be successful in learning English this way the you need to use the material regularly, if possible everyday according to the founders of the website, Lidor Skodik and Michal Hudecek.
There are lots of different ways that the students can work with this website as a base for learning English. By looking at the core content for English in LGR 11 you will find that by working with this website in an appropriate way it is possible to implement quite a few of the requirements and aims of the syllabus. By using the site it is possible to have fun and reach the aim for the course in English at the same time. I think  that is a very good way to learn and comprehend a new language!
// Charlotte Strandberg