Saturday 26 January 2013

A  class blog.
If I can manage it, I would start a class blog. Ever since I stopped working in a school operated by a parent cooperative, and started working in an public school, I have felt the lack of contact with the parents.  It is clearly written in the syllable, and often mentioned by the teachers that the cooperation and confidence building with parents is essential for children´s success in school. I would say that the most important parameter is the lack of a neutral meeting venue. Maybe you might see up on a class blog, as just that.
But would a blog be a good venue to practice and improve the English language? Well as for example “Skype” might be a god device for creating opportunities for talking, not only to the ones present, a blog could possibly be the same for writing skills. In my contact with quite young children I must say that the fear of writing and talking is the most difficult “hurdle to cross”. But sadly,  practice is the only way to perfect, so it is crucial to find funny, less strict tasks to do for children that feels afraid to use their second language more activly.  A class blog might just provide us with an arena where we (teachers, parents, pupils, … ) can use the language like in a playground. Talk about music, arts and other topics in the blog might feel less complicated and scary in the new language, compared to regular classrooms discussions.  Although, it also will be possible for me as the teacher to bring in subjects and items  preanalysed and specially designed by  for the class to work with, think and write  about.
If it works, it might be an opportunity for parents as well as students and teachers to meet and to gain knowledge of each other and the school system and perhaps its mission. While they practicing English writing, but at the same time, shares and enjoys each other´s experiences, trips, events, music..  


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  3. It is not difficult at all. In May (2012) I started a class blog in
    It is very easy! You can look at it if you want to at:

    If you want some help just email me at

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  5. I've also created a class blog in English. I have used dropbox as a filesaverbox. All student use the same dropbox. A blog is a very easily way to get parents involved in the pupils wprk. But remember that you need the parents ok if you use photographs in the blogg. I like your idea about publishing work in the blogg. The comments is a easy way for the pupils to answer questions about music, arts and other topics. I agree that it feel less complicated and scary in the new language, compared to regular classrooms discussions.
    Good luck!
    Åsa T
