Sunday 19 January 2014

The webb site Fun English games

“Fun English games” is a web-site with many games and activities for children. The web-site is free for everyone and could be a good  resource for teachers that want to have new ideas in their teaching. Many of the exercises are printable if the teacher wants to work on that way. The web-site is divided into different sections: games, worksheets, activities, videos, quizzes and more as you could see down here.

There are both group exercises and individual exercises. One activity that I thought would be interesting to try on the students is a game called “who wants to be a millionaire. In this game the teacher divide the class into groups. Then the teachers ask a true or false question to one group member. If the student tells the right answer the next member in the group will have a new little harder question. Now the student can stop and collect the money or answer the question. If the answer is wrong the group has lost the “money”. The teacher can also add lifelines in the activity.  

The games on this web-site are very clear for the children. If we take one example of the game; “easy gaming puzzle”. In this game there are ten words that miss the two first letters. To the left of the words there are ten boxes with two letters in them. The work for the students is to drag the letters to the right word.  

I think this is a good page for teachers to work with. The students will learn English in a funny way. Last year I had one English lesson in the week with a smaller group of students who thought English was boring. But when we worked with this website the students thought it was funny and they learned more new words by using this page.

The web adress for this page is

Best regards Stefan Nilsson


  1. The website "Fun English Games" seems to be a good website because it has a lot of different activities that I would find useful in my teaching with young children. I like the idea of using games as an addition to the YouTube videos I am using today. I do agree with you that children should have fun when going to school, becuase it will give them a positive view of what learning is all about.

    Beatrice Schelin

  2. Thank you for sharing this webpage! I believe students learn more though games as they are having fun as they are learning, which I think they would have while using this page. I normally use "Genki English" and I'm going to try "fun English games" in my classroom for a change.
    Best regards Sabina Dahlstrom
