Monday 6 January 2014

To practice English in a fun way with younger students

In our school we have a license with If you don’t have a license only some of the practices are open for you, but you can buy a prescription for 320 Swedish kronor if you are a privatperson and a bit more if you want to buy for the school (no exact prise a given at the webpage, but it starts at a minimum of 1400 kronor.)

This is a Swedish website filled with funny practice for the younger and the older pupils. Most of the tasks are in Swedish and you can practice for example mathematics, Swedish and geography.
There are three very good tasks to practice English, two of whom my pupils are very found of.

 The first task is ”Build a sentence”. The same task is available in Swedish so my pupils knows how to do. They learn the words and the way to make a sentence very quick.

Here is a guide for the pupils.
How to do:
First, read the words and ask if there anything that you don’t understand.

Secondly, drag the words to the lines in the right order, don’t forget the dot or the question mark. Then press done.
If you did it right you will now se the sentence that you wrote. (The bird and the cow are acctually jumping on the screen.)

Even if the pupils don’t know every word when they start they will try and try and after a while they will recognize most of the words.

For me as a teacher I often use the tasks at my cleverboard when I have the class at my carpet in front of me, maybe if we have five minutes to kill, while we are waiting for the dinner to get ready. Together we read the words and make sentences. Sometimes we talk about the different part of the speech, it’s easy to see since they are marked in different colours.

We also use “Guess the word!”, a form of hang man. You can choose short words and longer words. For my second graders the short words are perfect. This is tasks that we do at least three times a week, maybe ten minutes at a time. We try to say the letters in English and guess the words in English even though it can be hard. The pupils thinks it very exciting to see if he is going to fly or crash and the whole class is very engaged.

The practices works excellent for working in pairs.
In the future I hope the makers come up with more English practices.

This was my contribution to the blog, I hope you will find some new things to try in your classroom.

Yours, Susanne Bernlind

(All the pictures from


  1. Hello Susanne!
    I used Skolplus for a couple of years ago. The pupils liked it as much as I did.
    I haven't used since they started to charge for it. Many of the families in my class have bought the prescription.

    /Pernilla L

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Susanne

    This website sounds like a lot of fun for your pupils. It works well, because in the website they are training to read the English words and to assemble a meaning in correct English. The pupils can do that in a small group of two or even alone, depending on how old the students are and how good their English is of course. You write about how your pupils sometimes are guessing the words if they don't quite understand "they try and try" and in the end they get the whole meaning right. You can as a teacher see the golden opportunity and write down the words that your pupils are insecure about and talk about them in a group or write down the words in different sentences so they can get a better grasp on it in a whole.

    My question to you is; how old are your pupils? In which grade are you working in?

    Otherwise, good job and good luck!


  4. Hello Susanne!

    Looks like a good page. I haven´t used it before, but have tried it now after you wrote about it. Will try it more and see in what ways it can be used in our teaching and if it might be worth to subscribe. /Andreas

  5. Hi Susanne,

    You have found a fun website to work with. The English exercises are colourful and they are easy and fun for the students to work with. Using a cleverboard as you have done, seams like a good idea. The students can listen and learn from each other and you, as the teacher, can help the students with pronunciation and building correct sentences. A teacher that has access to tablets or computers can let students work in smaller groups or pairs when working with the exercises. Is there just one set of words to use for “build a sentence” or are there different words every time you start it? My limited experience on these kind of exercises is that they lack of variety. The website seams to focus on math because of the amount of exercises in the subject. But as you mention, it can be used in many subjects. Have you any experience of how well it works in other subjects then in English?

    Thank you for sharing your experience working with

    /Malin Holmén

  6. We use this resource at times in my förskoleklass and as you say it is very much appreciated by the students. I have not tried this activity in either Swedish or in English, but will definitely try it with the students that I have who can read. We have worked a lot with proper sentence building and I think they would get the hang of it pretty quickly. It sounds like a great activity for collaboration in pairs or in groups.

    Thank you for a great review and a great suggestion!

